Spanish Seeds
Spanish Seeds

Spanish Seeds

Spanish Seeds a reliable seed bank backed by years of experience. Our seeds pass serious quality controls and this avoids problems, such as cars being passed over for seeds that are not seeds, or hemp seeds for medicinal cannabis seeds.

For price and reliability. The agreements with us guarantee your supply, with higher production volumes and lower prices.

We maintain a high stock of fresh seeds and do not change one variety for another, seeds that are more than a year old are destined for secondary markets.

We produce our seeds and control the quality. We work directly with producers, without intermediaries. For this reason, we guarantee the best prices and proven quality.

Each generation of our seeds is better thanks to the use of a greater number of individuals for selection. We have a crossing program controlled by an agronomist to guarantee hybrid vigor and avoid inbreeding.

In our facilities, our seeds are carefully selected by hand, meeting high quality parameters: there are no white or small ones. Likewise, they undergo cleaning, anti-insect and anti-fungal treatments.

We are clear and transparent with the product we offer. We give you all the data on our genetics: we do not hide the complete genetics nor do we only give the commercial name of the variety. If stock runs out, we never give you one variety for another, as is unfortunately quite common in this market.

We have professional resources and a multidisciplinary team made up of agricultural engineers and biologists, who apply the latest technologies, such as continuous development with the gas chromatograph or genetic sequencing, among other laboratory techniques.

We focus our efforts on R&D&I, and we collaborate with the Polytechnic University of Valencia through different stable programs.